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The Swedes in Pennsylvania: The Peoples of Pennsylvania

The Swedes in Pennsylvania

Richard H. Hulan, 1993. Pennsylvania bears the family name of the young Englishman who became Proprietor of the colony in 1681. But when William Penn was born, the region that later as a colony was to honor his name already contained within its future boundaries a local government of European origin. The year was 1644, and the community that was gradually expanding along the banks of the Delaware River called itself Nya Sverige. In English, that is "New Sweden." Pamphlet No. 5 in The Peoples of Pennsylvania series, 8.5" x 11", 8 pgs, paperback.

Richard H. Hulan, 1993. Pennsylvania bears the family name of the young Englishman who became Proprietor of the colony in 1681. But when William Penn was born, the region that later as a colony was to honor his name already contained within its future boundaries a local government of European origin. The year was 1644, and the community that was gradually expanding along the banks of the Delaware River called itself Nya Sverige. In English, that is "New Sweden."
When William Penn was born, the region that later as a colony was to honor his name already contained within its future boundaries a local government of European origin called Nya Sverige or "New Sweden."

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