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The Poles in Pennsylvania: The Peoples of Pennsylvania

The Poles in Pennsylvania

Matthew S. Magda, 1986. Among the thirteen colonies, Pennsylvania had the largest number of Poles in the province. Since 1900 they have been one of the State's largest ethnic groups, creating sizeable communities in the leading industrial towns, laboring in the mills, factories and mines, and affecting in a substantial way the history of the Commonwealth. Pamphlet No. 3 in The Peoples of Pennsylvania series, 8.5" x 11", 8 pgs, paperback.

Matthew S. Magda, 1986. Among the thirteen colonies, Pennsylvania had the largest number of Poles in the province. Since 1900 they have been one of the State's largest ethnic groups, creating sizeable communities in the leading industrial towns, laboring in the mills, factories and mines, and affecting in a substantial way the history of the Commonwealth.
Among the thirteen colonies, Pennsylvania had the largest number of Poles in the province.

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