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The Welsh in Pennsylvania: The Peoples of Pennsylvania

The Welsh in Pennsylvania

Matthew S. Magda, 1986. The Welsh have had an impact upon Pennsylvania's society and culture since the founding of the colony in 1681. Several waves of Welsh immigrants - gentry, farmers and, later, industrial workers - came to Pennsylvania and created several dense settlements in various sections of the Commonwealth. The Welsh were especially influential from 1682 to 1730 in shaping the political, economic and social development of the colony. Pamphlet No. 1 in The Peoples of Pennsylvania series, 8.5" x 11", 8 pgs, paperback.

Matthew S. Magda, 1986. The Welsh have had an impact upon Pennsylvania's society and culture since the founding of the colony in 1681. Several waves of Welsh immigrants - gentry, farmers and, later, industrial workers - came to Pennsylvania and created several dense settlements in various sections of the Commonwealth. The Welsh were especially influential from 1682 to 1730 in shaping the political, economic and social development of the colony.
The Welsh have had an impact upon Pennsylvania's society and culture since the founding of the colony in 1681.

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