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The Jews in Pennsylvania: The Peoples of Pennsylvania

The Jews in Pennsylvania

Bruce Bazelon, 1986. Pennsylvania's eleven million people include about 440,000 Jews. Many in Pennsylvania's early Jewish communities migrated from Germany and Eastern Europe to Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and other Pennsylvania towns and cities. Today, Pennsylvania's larger Jewish communities are alive and vibrant. Pamphlet No. 2 in The Peoples of Pennsylvania series, 8.5" x 11", 8 pgs, paperback.

Bruce Bazelon, 1986. Pennsylvania's eleven million people include about 440,000 Jews. Many in Pennsylvania's early Jewish communities migrated from Germany and Eastern Europe to Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and other Pennsylvania towns and cities. Today, Pennsylvania's larger Jewish communities are alive and vibrant.
Many in Pennsylvania's early Jewish communities migrated from Germany and Eastern Europe to Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and other Pennsylvania towns and cities.

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